Jehu Garcia DIY University

DIY Crucial to End-of-Life Management of EV Lit...
Over the years, we've witnessed an increase in the popularity of lithium batteries and electric vehicles. This increase is driven by the objective to electrify the transport industry and reduce...
DIY Crucial to End-of-Life Management of EV Lit...
Over the years, we've witnessed an increase in the popularity of lithium batteries and electric vehicles. This increase is driven by the objective to electrify the transport industry and reduce...

How To Make Your Own DIY Power System for Off-G...
In this article, we are going to discuss in detail setting up a complete DIY energy system. We cover the components needed, the sizing process, and useful design tools. This...
How To Make Your Own DIY Power System for Off-G...
In this article, we are going to discuss in detail setting up a complete DIY energy system. We cover the components needed, the sizing process, and useful design tools. This...

CB / Ham Radios and LiFePO4 Batteries
This article explores the use of lithium-iron phosphate batteries in off-grid ham radio operation. LiFePO4 batteries offer an excellent portable energy source option for setups where you do not have...
CB / Ham Radios and LiFePO4 Batteries
This article explores the use of lithium-iron phosphate batteries in off-grid ham radio operation. LiFePO4 batteries offer an excellent portable energy source option for setups where you do not have...

What Does "Untested" Battery Mean?
What does "untested" battery mean? Every once in a while we get asked this question, mainly by those new to DIY batteries. Our regular customers will have noticed that all...
What Does "Untested" Battery Mean?
What does "untested" battery mean? Every once in a while we get asked this question, mainly by those new to DIY batteries. Our regular customers will have noticed that all...

How to Calculate Your Energy Usage for Going Solar
How to calculate your energy usage for going solar. There are plenty of advantages for building your own DIY solar system. Maybe you want energy independence, or to reduce your electric bills, or maybe you want to protect...
How to Calculate Your Energy Usage for Going Solar
How to calculate your energy usage for going solar. There are plenty of advantages for building your own DIY solar system. Maybe you want energy independence, or to reduce your electric bills, or maybe you want to protect...

Calculating the discharge rate of a lithium-ion...
The more you know about working with lithium ion batteries, the better. One important thing to know about your battery is it's discharge rate. Calculating the discharge rate of a...
Calculating the discharge rate of a lithium-ion...
The more you know about working with lithium ion batteries, the better. One important thing to know about your battery is it's discharge rate. Calculating the discharge rate of a...